Monday, March 18, 2013


首先,在这先向大家道个歉,因为自己不常上我的部落格的email,所以没能来得及回复email.. 加上这几天工作忙到很迟才到家.. 是有点累了~ 其实想想跟新加坡比较,我还算不错了啦~

今天煮了妈妈常煮的一道菜.. 排骨觉得怪怪的,就说真的很“罐头味”的一道菜. 当然啦,我用罐头嘛. 其实想想以前妈妈怎么会煮这道菜呢?哈哈哈~
我告诉排骨妈妈常煮这道菜,问他吃过吗?他说没有哦~想必我妈超疼他的~ 没吃过这便宜货!!


鸡肉炒菜心或菜心炒鸡肉.. =.="


鸡腿肉 3片
罐头菜心 1罐
蒜米 5瓣


酱青 少许
粟粉 少许
白胡椒粉 少许

  1. 鸡肉洗干净后切成小块.
  2. 鸡肉加入所有调味料拌匀, 腌至10分钟.
  3. 倒入油,炒香蒜米,在加入腌至好的鸡肉。
  4. 将菜心里的汁倒入鍋里煮至滚. 
  5. 再把剩下的菜心倒入煮至滚,即完成. 
(March 2013) hosted by FHL of Faith Hope Love

Thursday, March 14, 2013


这次自己帮忙主持这个Aspiring Baker,所以怎样也要亮相一些家传菜/ 籍贯菜.
酿豆腐我觉得是客家人的菜吧,这道菜也是我的家传菜.. 以前在家里妈妈都常煮这道菜,尤其是过年. 我们家过年一定会有这道酿豆腐,然后就拿菜包着酿豆腐一起吃. 我其实不懂那个菜叫什么名字,问了姐姐,说是叫"Mak Choy".. 妈妈说现在很难找到这种菜,就用高丽菜来代替. 姐姐告诉我爸妈到新加坡时,她一定会做这道菜给他们吃, 并答应我会帮我拍下那个菜的样子. *新加坡好像有这个菜*

我们家有两种吃法. 一种是和"Mak" 菜一起吃,另一种就是煮酱汁淋上去.
今天我做的是酱汁的,因为比较好配饭吃,加上还是以前的那个菜比较好吃. 记得那个菜有点苦苦的.(如果没记错的话)

这里的北豆腐有点大大的. 我不晓得是不是以前小,所以觉得那时的豆腐小小的. 哈哈!现在看起来好象不怎么像. 煎的不怎么漂亮~ 没关系啦,只要可以吃就好!*问了妈妈,她说姐姐那里的也是大大个的*

对了,妈妈告诉我要加上烤好的小鱼干,这样会比较香. 但是我没放,难怪味道不怎么好. 不用紧,因为有汁汁可以把味道带出来~



北豆腐  4 块

馅料 (B)
猪肉碎 100g
烤好的小鱼干(可以用microwave 烤) 30g
生抽  2 tbsp
胡椒粉 少许
盐 少许

酱汁 (C)
冬菇 (剁碎)2 朵
生抽 2 tbsp
盐 1/2 tsp
蚝油 2 tbsp
黑酱油 2 tbsp
水 250ml
胡椒粉 少许

粟粉 1 tbsp + 50ml 水

  1. 把材料 (B) 拌匀.
  2. 豆腐洗净后切成三角形,用刀子割小小的线痕,然后小心放入拌匀好的材料(B).
  3. 平底锅中倒入油烧热,有馅的一面朝下小火煎熟,再用中火把底面和四周煎至焦黄. 备用.
  4. 另一个锅里的底油煸香,倒入剩下的馅料,冬菇. 炒香后倒入生抽,蚝油,黑酱油,盐,胡椒粉和水煮开. 勾芡后淋在豆腐上,撒点葱花即可.       

(March 2013) hosted by FHL of Faith Hope Love

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


我不很爱吃其它煮法的鸡翅膀. 可以接受炸鸡翅、oven baked 鸡翅. 如果用鸡翅来煮炒之类的,我还不怎么能接受~可能吃到好吃的吧!

记得吃这道鸡翅是在一个朋友的家. 那天因为晚上有诗班练习,所以这朋友就邀请我和排骨到他们家吃晚饭(因为练习地点在她家)..我们就吃 nasi lemak.

她的丈夫好好笑哦~告诉我就算那个鸡翅膀还没煮熟,他都觉得好吃!*很夸张对吧* 那时候我也觉得夸张,但是哦~吃完那个鸡翅,我也有同感了~因为真的好好吃!那个鸡翅真的很juicy and tender.天啊!我就赶紧问她食谱了~


(不好意思,她没告诉我真正的分量,我也是 agar-agar 的)

Chicken Wings  12 pcs
Ginger ground powder 
Garlic powder
Fish sauce

Corn flour to coat

  1. Cut the chicken wings into half.
  2. Marinate the chicken wings with all the ingredients and leave over nights.
  3. Use the kitchen paper towel to slightly press the chicken wing to absorb water and coat the chicken with corn flour evenly.
  4. Heat the oil till hot then turn to medium heat. Deep fry one side for 5 mins and turn to another side for 5 mins.
  5. Serve when hot.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


记得自己刚刚流产时,教会的阿姨们很热心的帮助我和排骨. 因为排骨和我的家人都不住在这里. 加上这次的流产很突然,我们俩也不知所措. 真的很谢谢他们爱心的煮东西给我吃,也给我他们酿的酒,方便排骨煮做月子的食物给我吃. 因为他们说就算是流产,也要像做月子那样,补补身体.

为了感谢他们,我只可以做蛋糕、面包之类的东西来报答他们. (因为煮东西我不行)
排骨的老板也超好人的 (排骨在餐馆做part-time),每次回家一定带一些东西给我吃. 有猪脚醋、猪肝、面条等等. (老板是特地煮的,也没有收钱. 对了,老板是我教会的uncle)

今天就做了这个超简单又容易的蛋糕. 我用现成的面粉做的因为要做很多个~


Ready mix sponge cake flour 420g
Orange juice 40g
Lemon juice 3 tsp
Eggs 5
Butter 250g


  1. Melt the butter and put aside.
  2. Slight beat the eggs. Add into the flour and juices. Mix well.
  3. Add in the melted butter and mix well.
  4. Put the cake batter in the preheat oven 160 deg. Bake for 35-45mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.


包装好的蛋糕 - 希望他们会喜欢~


爱我们的天父,感谢你在我患难的时候,你差派你的天使来看顾我. 让我和排骨都能够感受到你的爱. 主啊,求你祝福那些照顾我的弟兄姐妹,并祝福他们的家庭和在这里的生活,祷告、感恩奉主耶稣的名求,阿们~

Saturday, March 9, 2013


我今天原本想做面包的,因为家里没有面包了嘛!说实在的,我们家还蛮幸运的. 租房间给一个男孩子- 铭铭. 他的哥哥是在工厂做面包的,所以我们家的面包其实是免费的哦~ 但是因为哥哥出门刚回来,所以我们就没面包吃啦!

我问排骨要吃怎样的面包,他说他不喜欢奶油太重的面包,然后我就说不如做馒头~ 家里的“台台”就大声地说“好哇” . 可能她太想念家乡美食了~ 为了让她满足一下,就决定做馒头!

其实还蛮容易做的~ 一来可以让她高兴高兴,二来我们也有面包类的东西吃啦!


Hong Kong Flour 400g
Milk 200g
Sugar 70g (For brown sugar mantao, replace sugar with 120g dark brown sugar)
Dried yeast 2 tsp
Double acting baking powder 2 1/2 tsp
Pinch salt


  1. Mix flour, baking powder, yeast, salt and sugar together. Pour in milk (reserve some) and mix into a pliable dough. 
  2. Cover and rest for 30-40 minutes or until doubled in size.
  3. Transfer ½ of the rested dough on working surface. Roll out into rectangle shape. 
  4. Brush the surface dough with some water. Gently roll the dough into swiss roll shape.
  5. Cut into 12-15 pieces and place on lined paper. 
  6. Put the mantou into steamer and rest for 10-15 minutes. Repeat for the other half of the dough.

明天的早餐可能是馒头+培根+鸡蛋. 好奇怪的配搭哦! 对了,还有一杯热热的豆奶~

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


这次冰箱里有鸡腿肉,就 google 找食谱.. 果然皇天不负有心人,找到了一个超容易的菜肴 - Lemon Chicken.

加上家里有那天剩下炸鸡用的油,简直是时间刚刚好~ 最高兴的是我老妈向我拿食谱,第一次哦~ 哈哈

食谱取自于Rasa Malaysia


鸡腿肉 2片
粟粉加面粉 各1/2杯
黑、白芝麻 少许


绍兴酒 1/2 tbsp
生抽 1/2 tbsp
粟粉 1 tbsp


柠檬汁 5 tbsps
糖 1 1/2 tsps
粟粉 1 tsp
水 7tbsps
盐 少许

  1. 鸡肉洗干净后切成小块.
  2. 鸡肉加入所有调味料拌匀, 腌至30分钟.
  3. 将鸡肉均匀沾上粟粉和面粉, 静置3-5分钟. 热油锅后,以中火炸至表皮金黄酥脆,捞起接著用厨房纸巾吸油.
  4. 将所有的酱汁材料倒入平底鍋搅拌均匀煮至滚. 把炸好的鸡肉倒入,搅拌均匀. 
  5. 倒入盘中,撒上黑、白芝麻即即完成.

I am submitting this dish to Aspiring Bakers #28: Chicken Feast (February 2013) hosted by SSB of Small Small Baker

Monday, March 4, 2013


看到 Zoe 家做的 buttery poppy seed rolls,好软哦!看到就心痒痒想做了~

烤好的面包,好浓的奶油味. 好喜欢那味道~
因为今天是公共假期,所以特别“闲”, 就做了一大堆东西. 希望今晚有时间一个一个贴上来~

这食谱你可以参考 Zoe's buttery poppy seed rolls


高筋面粉 450g
细砂糖 1茶匙
速溶酵母 2茶匙
盐 2茶匙
奶油 110g
温牛奶 275ml 
(我家刚刚好没有牛奶,所以照着Zoe's 家的方法 - 用275ml 温水加入 40g 奶粉)


蛋黄 1个加入两茶匙牛奶
罌粟籽、 南瓜子适量

  1. 把150ml 的温牛奶加入细砂糖和速溶酵母. 放在一边待10分鐘至泡沫.
  2. 面粉加入盐,再加入泡沫酵母和剩下的牛奶搅拌成团. (面团有点粘手)
  3. 取出面团,放入已经抹油的大碗中,让它发酵成双倍大.
  4. 面团取出放在撒上少许面粉桌上,排气,将面团分成15份,一个约60g.
  5. 把面团擀成长长的,打成结,排在烤盘上卷进行最后发酵.
  6. 发酵完毕,刷上蛋液,撒上罌粟籽、 南瓜子.
  7. 放入预热180度的烤箱, 烤20分钟或烤至金黄色.

用餐咯!我的下午茶 - 火腿 + 起司面包卷,可惜没有咖啡配搭!

I want to participate this event - Cook like a Star.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Aspiring Bakers # 29 Heirloom and Local Dialect Recipes (家传菜/籍贯菜)

Hello to all Aspiring Bakers Family members and members-to-be!
I'm hosting Aspiring Bakers #29!

很高兴有这个机会主持 Aspiring Bakers.. 希望大家能够踊跃参与并支持这次的主题~
I am very glad that I have the opportunity to host the Aspiring Bakers No. 29. Hope everyone of you will participate this theme and enjoy yourself.

这个月的主题是 "家传菜/籍贯菜" 
The theme for this month is Heirloom and Local Dialect Recipes. 

I am very hard working trying to do google translate.

家传菜 - dishes handed down from the older generations of the family; family tradition
籍贯菜 - dishes from your birth or origin/ native place (local dialect)

我一直在想我家有什么家传/籍贯菜~ 问了排骨,他是广东人,他告诉我,他也不懂叻~*晕*
I have been thinking what heirloom or local dialect recipes from my family. I asked "Pai Kuat", he is Cantonese and he told me he has no idea at all. *fainted*

老实说,我老妈子没有传下"家传菜/籍贯菜"给我..从小到大,她都不肯我到厨房帮忙. 可能是怕我越帮越忙吧~ 所以嘛,我的厨艺真的是“ma ma tei” .. 所以这次希望能够向妈妈讨教一下,让我家传菜在我的部落各亮相亮相~ 
To be honest, I really can't think of any dishes passed over from my mum. Since young, she didn't really want me to help her out in the Kitchen, maybe she worries that I am the trouble-maker. Therefore, my cooking skill is like "zero".. Hopefully, I can ask my mum to teach me this time so that I can show off a bit my cooking skill. 

我是客家人,所以记得小时候家里常常都会煮擂茶, 卤鸭,酿豆腐等等! 所以,任何一样籍贯菜肴 - 广东、福州、海南、客家、福建、兴化等等我们都期待~
I am Hakka, what I remembered since young were "Lui Cha", "Braised Duck" and "Stuffed tofu". Therefore, we are looking forward to see any dishes from the local dialects, such as Cantonese, Foochow, Hainanese, Hakka, Hokkien, Henghwa, etc.

现在是时候把你们家的家传/ 籍贯菜肴亮相了~ 希望大家可以跟我们分享你们家的食谱。我真的很期待着你们的参与和支持这个主题, 让我大开眼界~
Now it's the time for you to share your heirloom/ local dialect recipes with us. I am looking forward all of you to participate and support this theme~ 

1) Only for Heirloom recipes (家传菜), those using instant or ready made products, like instant curry sauce, bak kut teh, are not allowed. For our Local Dialect recipes (籍贯菜), you are allow to use ready made products.
2) Baked desserts (烘焙) are not accepted for this theme.

Who can join?
Everyone! (if you do not have a blog, just send me a photo and recipe of your dish)

How to join?

Step 1 :
Make your Heirloom and Local Dialect dishes in the month of March 2013.

Step 2 :
Post it on your blog between 01 March 2013 and 4 April 2013.
Your post must include the recipe or link to the original recipe. If you are using a recipe from a book, please include the title of the book too.
Any entries that are posted outside the date range will not be accepted. 
Any entries that do not include a recipe or link to the original recipe will not be accepted too. 

Step 3 :
Please mention that you are submitting your post to Aspiring Bakers #29:Heirloom and Local Dialect Recipes 家传菜/ 籍贯菜 (March 2013 ) hosted by FHL of Faith Hope Love and provide a link back to this post HERE.
Entries will not be accepted if the above is not included. 

Step 4 :
Email to in the following format:

Your name or nickname:
Your blog name: (omit this if you do not have a blog)
Name of your bake/dish:
URL of your post:
URL of your photo (one photo for each entry): 
(alternatively, you can attach your photo in your email, preferably less than 500kb).

Please use "Aspiring Bakers #29" as your email subject. You may submit more than 1 entry.

The round up will be posted on 05 April 2013.
If you are interested to find out what's on the previous Aspiring Bakers #28: Chicken Feast (Feb 2013) entries, hosted by SSB of Small Small Baking, see the round up HERE.