Saturday, March 9, 2013


我今天原本想做面包的,因为家里没有面包了嘛!说实在的,我们家还蛮幸运的. 租房间给一个男孩子- 铭铭. 他的哥哥是在工厂做面包的,所以我们家的面包其实是免费的哦~ 但是因为哥哥出门刚回来,所以我们就没面包吃啦!

我问排骨要吃怎样的面包,他说他不喜欢奶油太重的面包,然后我就说不如做馒头~ 家里的“台台”就大声地说“好哇” . 可能她太想念家乡美食了~ 为了让她满足一下,就决定做馒头!

其实还蛮容易做的~ 一来可以让她高兴高兴,二来我们也有面包类的东西吃啦!


Hong Kong Flour 400g
Milk 200g
Sugar 70g (For brown sugar mantao, replace sugar with 120g dark brown sugar)
Dried yeast 2 tsp
Double acting baking powder 2 1/2 tsp
Pinch salt


  1. Mix flour, baking powder, yeast, salt and sugar together. Pour in milk (reserve some) and mix into a pliable dough. 
  2. Cover and rest for 30-40 minutes or until doubled in size.
  3. Transfer ½ of the rested dough on working surface. Roll out into rectangle shape. 
  4. Brush the surface dough with some water. Gently roll the dough into swiss roll shape.
  5. Cut into 12-15 pieces and place on lined paper. 
  6. Put the mantou into steamer and rest for 10-15 minutes. Repeat for the other half of the dough.

明天的早餐可能是馒头+培根+鸡蛋. 好奇怪的配搭哦! 对了,还有一杯热热的豆奶~

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